What to Expect from a treatment
Treatments include acupuncture and/or herbal remedies as well as other techniques specific for individual needs.
The visit is around an hour long. The first 20 minutes is an interview about your history and health concerns. The practitioner will provide dietary and lifestyle recommendations. The remainder of the time is used for treatment.
The practitioner uses only sterile disposable acupuncture needles.



Acupuncture Can Treat
- Anxiety / Stress
- Arthritis/Osteo/Rheumatoid
- Asthma / Bronchitis
- Carpal Tunnel
- Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia
- CommonCold/Flu/SoreThroat
- Pain/Headaches
- Depression / Emotional issues
- Constipation / Diarrhea
- Paralysis
- Digestive Issues
- Menopause / PMS
- Back Pain / Problems
- Sinus / Allergy Issues
- Sleep Problems
- Urinary Problems
- Facial Rejuvenation
- Fertility Issues
- And much more
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a complete medical system which originated thousands of years ago and has been used to treat and prevent illness.
A practitioner of TCM observes the pattern of signs and symptoms of a patient’s diagnosis which identifies the root cause of the patient’s symptoms. TCM then uses acupuncture, herbs, cupping and other techniques to treat the root cause, balance the disharmonies and alleviate symptoms.
TCM is safe and without side effects. Its actions are regulatory, encouraging the body to make natural changes from within. TCM can treat acute and chronic conditions and may help where other medicines have limited solutions.
TCM can also be used to prevent disease and help build the immune system. It can help increase energy, preserve youth and promote longevity.